- Everyone who uses the Club premises for any sports related activity (for eg. badminton or tennis or fitness activity or cricket or skating….) is required to have an active membership or register as Guests.
- Members should have their ID cards and Guests should register and present a Guests pass for each day that they use Club facilities
- TEJESH reserves the right to limit the number of Guests and court rental players that are permitted to use the facilities at any one given time.
- TEJESH shall not be held responsible for any lost or stolen items.
- All members and their Guests shall park their vehicles only in properly designated parking areas.
- Parking in restricted areas may pose a danger to all occupants of the building and violators may have their vehicles towed at the vehicle owner’s expense.

- TEJESH has instituted a cell phone policy for the protection of each Member’s privacy and safety as well as to maintain a peaceful environment for all to enjoy.
- Cell phone use is prohibited in all facilities. Common social areas such as parking space and open spaces may be used for conversations. We appreciate your adherence to this policy on behalf of your fellow members.
- TEJESH reserves the right to restrict the use of the facilities of any member(s) should any fees due under the membership agreement are unpaid.
- Specifically, there must be at least one member on each court throughout the booked period. A single member MAY NOT book a court on which there are no member players.
- All chargeable fees shall be paid prior to access be given to the facilities.
- There are no day care facilities, playground or baby sitting services provided by the TEJESH.
- It is the responsibility of the parent(s) or the accompanying adult to look after and control the children in their charge at all time while in the club so as not to endanger themselves or other members or disturb other members and their Guests.
- Non players, including children are not permitted to be on the courts at any time.
- Children under the age of 16 years are not permitted to be in or use the exercise equipment unless under the direct and ongoing supervision of a coach or TEJESH staff member.
- Members and Guests shall not conduct, purchase or subscribe to any commercial business or activity on club premises or solicit other members and Guests for any reason without the club’s written consent such consent may be unreasonably withheld.
- There is a “no smoking/pan chewing by-law” which prohibits smoking/pan chewing anywhere in the premises.
- At the end of the court rental period, all players will stop play immediately and permit the next group access to the court. There are NO EXCEPTIONS.
- All class cancellations and building closings due to weather or emergency will be posted on the Home page of our website.
- Please understand that there might be an unexpected occasion that will require us to cancel or close without advance notice.
- No alternate time will be provided if time is lost due to power cuts. (Generator to be provided soon…)
- Read and follow the specific rules and requirements of any room or section of the facility.
Dress Code
- Access to the courts and exercise facilities will only be given to those members and Guests who are wearing proper attire as may be determined by the TEJESH from time to time.
- Proper non-marking athletic footwear must be worn on the court and exercise areas at all times. Black sole shoes are not permitted on the courts or exercise areas.
- There are NO EXCEPTIONS.
- No player wearing street shoes, black soled shoes of any kind or wet court shoes will not be permitted to enter on to the courts.
- Proper court shoes must be clean and dry.
- Players must change into their court shoes in the lounge or locker room areas before entering the court.
- There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this rule.
- Everyone needs to bring a towel and full water bottle.Profane, derogatory or inflammatory slogans on any attire are deemed to be unacceptable.

Locker Facilities
- Lockers are available for rental by members only.
- Do not leave valuables in the lockers. TEJESH is not responsible for any lost or stolen articles.
- Perishable food or other products (including flammable products and hazardous items) are not to be stored in the lockers.
- Members are responsible for maintaining the lockers and keeping them free of waste and odours. Any damage to the lockers will be the responsibility of the Member.
- TEJESH reserves the right to open the locker (without any liability to TEJESH) and inspect the locker if there is justifiable cause such as but not limited to: odours, leakage or any occurrence which may indicate a safety or health hazard.
- In the event that locker fees are not paid when due or if the locker has been deemed to be abandoned, then TEJESH reserves the right without liability, to cut the lock and remove all personal affects from the locker.
- The contents of the locker will be stored for a period of one (1) week after which, the contents will be disposed of.

Personal Conduct
- All members and Guests will exercise and follow proper court etiquette at all times when using the facilities.
- Members and Guests will conduct themselves in a manner that will not disturb other players, their matches and their enjoyment of the facilities.
- Members and Guests shall restrain themselves from using profanities while in the premises.
- Members and Guests shall restrain from physical contact with another person in any angry or threatening way. Harassment or intimidation by: words, gestures, body language or any other menacing behaviour.
- When approached by any TEJESH staff member about breaches of the rules and regulations, members and Guests shall comply immediately.